RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1101 von milocomarty , 28.01.2016 01:04

Bit more work done on the tankcars, added some Vallejo chipping medium thinned with a bit of water and flow improver to the upper parts of the tanks. After a short drying time I went over with Vallejo base grey 3:1 thinned with airbrush thinner. 15 drops of base grey with 5 drops thinner, and 3 drops flow improver. The flow improver is great stuff, prevents the tip from clogging. Airbrushed a thin layer on the tanks, let it dry for a short time and went over the top with 10 drops base grey, 5 drops white and sprayed the top of the tanks withthis slightly lighter grey color. Finaly a short spray on the edges and seams with a 50/50 mix of base grey and white, to highlight them. Do think this pre shading adds more depht to the model. After the paint is dry, happily wit acrylics it doesn't take that long I started chipping by brushing clear water over the tank. This chipping medium acts like hairspray and parts of the paint come of again and the rust undercoat becomes visible. When I started with the basecoat I forgot to remove the decals, thought it was a unforgiven mistake but in this case I se an advantage. The show a bit rusty through the color coat and I like it..Now it's time to add more chipping with a brush, add a clearcoat and come over with enamel washes and grimes. That's for the net time

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1102 von milocomarty , 07.02.2016 02:29

Easy Saturday evening, so I made a start on pinwashing the rivets and cavities with Ammo Africa Corps Wash..time consuming job I must say using a 0/3 brush and adding small amounts of the wash to the rivets one at the time..

Not only did I try to add depth to the rivets but also like to give a bit the "dusty" feel. Don't mind to much of the wash, after a short drying time it easily can be removed with some odourless thinner..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1103 von milocomarty , 08.02.2016 01:09

Sunday hobbytime, more layers added to the tanks of the tankcars. First of all 2 rusttones, manipulated with odourless thinners and up/downward motions of a flat brush. After a bit of drying time some streaking grime, followed by some light dust. Last 2 steps almost wet in wet and blended and manipulated the same way with odourless thinner.. Short test on another tank with some Ammo grimes and AK dirt deposit..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1104 von milocomarty , 09.02.2016 00:59

So what do you do on a Monday night, well you can sit down and relax in front of the flatscreen TV set but for me it's tie to spend an hour at the bench and do some painting. First of all a overall shot of the tank cars I'working on. For the rest its time to add some grimes to the decks. Choose the dark treaking grime 1206 for this first layer after wood painting. I like the slightly greenish appearance of this grime color. Worked my way around the tank, removed it and dabbed around a bit to fade the colors with a clean brush. No thinners added in this case..And for the rest well I tried to paint the oil spill around the dome..looks nice and shiny but I think it can be a bit darker. Used the fresh engine oil for this step. Maybe I should build it up in more layers or paint a layer inbetween with a darker color, thinking about the wash for Nato camouflage or brown/black oilpaint..Maybe I did go a bit to heavy on the spills, all comments are welcome..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1105 von milocomarty , 11.02.2016 00:59

Think I'm gonna love the view when I wkae up tomorrow morning, finaly managed to get the first 2 Mara Harbor modules a place, from storage to a nice wake up view..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1106 von Südrampe , 11.02.2016 09:52

Zitat von milocomarty

Hey Martin ....

THIS is just unbelievable ...

Don't know what else to say ... You're taking it to another "next level".

Awsome job, man!!

Viele Grüße


Hier geht's ins Bietschtal und zur 1/87-BLS Südrampe 🇨🇭

Im Rahmen meines Umstiegs auf DC suche ich Mitstummis zum Tausch von Lok-Fahrgestellen (Roco SBB, BLS, TRAXX, 189, Taurus sowie Märklin Re 460).

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1107 von milocomarty , 11.02.2016 20:45

Kucke nur oft im kuchen der militair modelbauer Jochen, und versuche das wieder auf mein rollmaterial und anlage..da sind einige pfffffffff die konnen das weatheren...

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1108 von milocomarty , 12.02.2016 00:10

One of the main advantages of this 8' x 2'4" diorama, or part of my show layout set up is that I can take some nice picture of y rolling stock I'm weathering, tan cars are still in progress but I thing they look good in a natural environment. Last piture is my set up, bit lousy, taken with the iPhone

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1109 von milocomarty , 22.02.2016 00:23

Made some progress on 2 AMS boxcars..

Grusse Martin

eifelhero hat sich bedankt!
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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1110 von milocomarty , 23.02.2016 01:54

Once and a while I do like it to fool around with photoshop

Grusse Martin

eifelhero hat sich bedankt!
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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1111 von ick_fahr_im_kreis , 23.02.2016 07:06

Hello Martin,

thank you for showing us this little row of really awesome pictures. You´ve done a great job imitating the rusty parts.

I can´t really imagine why nobody takes notice of your work here and let you "answer your own comment".

Your work definitely earns more attention.

Viele Grüße



Die kleine Alpenlandschaft

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1112 von milocomarty , 23.02.2016 12:28

Tag Uli,

danke fur den lieben kommentar. Aber mach dir keine sache d'raus. Die anzahl der zugriffe sagt mir genugend. Und vielleicht ist meine faulheit die tekste nicht zu ubersetzen etwas was leute kommentarlos macht. Mache meine posts auf 8 fora und facebook und schreibe den im Hollandisch und English..

Grtz Martin

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1113 von Momojens , 23.02.2016 12:47

Hallo Martin,
auch ich habe mich lange nicht bei dir gemeldet.
Das Spiel der Farben beherrschst du einfach grandios.
Solche reell verwitterten Wagen habe ich bei noch Keinem gesehen.
Besonders gefallen mir die Kesselwagen, aber auch die Boxcars sind grandios.
Das von dir gerade Angesprochene kann ich bestens verstehen und auch nachvollziehen.
Ich wünsche euch demnächst viel Soaß bei der Ontraxx. Habe mir schon mal die Ausstellerliste abgeschaut.
Das verspricht wieder ne tolle Ausstellung zu werden.

Viele Grüße vom Baummetz

Hier geht's zum Bahnhof Jahnsbach in H0e


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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1114 von exergon , 23.02.2016 14:10


that looks amazing. I simply do not know what else to say. Very well done!!!

Viele Grüße

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1115 von 7-Kuppler , 23.02.2016 19:24

Hi Martin

Zitat Jens: Besonders gefallen mir die Kesselwagen, aber auch die Boxcars sind grandios.

Dem schließe ich mich vorbehaltlos an, grandiose Farbspiele !
Deswegen gefallen mir die Farbfotos auch besser als die schwarz / weiß Aufnahmen !

Danke fürs zeigen und weiter so !

Gruß in die Runde aus der "halben Rotunde" !
....... natürlich in TT !


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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1116 von milocomarty , 08.03.2016 18:01

Sehr beschaftigd mit den vorbereitungen OntraXS! 2016 da hatte mir leider die zeit gefealt zu antworten aber ich danke euch fur die tolle commentare. Hoffe nachstes jahr wieder eine neue anlage an das publikum zu präsentieren..aber dann in H0 und mit ein Deutsches thema..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1117 von milocomarty , 17.03.2016 00:57

Being one of the exhibition managers for the OntraXS! show in the railway museum in Utrecht Holland took a lot of time lately. With a succesful show last weekend it's back to modeling for me now and working onwards the 2 shows planned at the end of the year. Still need a confirmation from de grote modelspoor Expo at Leuven Belgium but the Warley show at Birminghams NEC is confirmed. My first UK appearance with Mara Harbor.
So I'm back on track and work towards the shows by finishing the wharf part of the layout, couple of new builds, re-paints and additional weathering and adding a load of details and cluther..that's the plan. For now I started cladding the warehouse of Verne Niner Import - Export Fresh Fruits. The plan is to try a couple of military weathering techniques on this build. Thats why it's still fresh new cut wood for usual technique using limba veneer sticked with double sided 3M sticky stuff to a foamboard base..

In the mean time I received a couple of goodies from AK-interactive from Spain, more enamel based washes, streaking grimes, deposits and pigments..and 2 books to..

So I couldn't resist a try with the moss deposit on a roof..and I must say I'm pretty happy with this stuff combined with their faded green pigment and the abandoned vehicles deposit wich is a more greenish gray tone..

Hopefully I can show more on a frequent base the next 6 months..

Grusse Martin

eifelhero hat sich bedankt!
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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1118 von milocomarty , 20.03.2016 01:30

A while ago I started building with styrene for the first time. Must say it's neat material and fun to work with. Made a start on a couple of steel windows and door for Vernes warehouse. Smokestack and stairs to, al build from styrene sheet with evergreen strip and other materials..think I do the steps and deck in real wood..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1119 von milocomarty , 24.03.2016 00:37

Well as styrene is a pretty new building material I have fun with it. Made some doors windows and stuff. Works pretty fast and accurate in my opinion using the Chopper II to cut lenghts and pieces. Just have to find another glue. Using MEK right now and it gives e a splitting headache. For the windows and doors. In this build I like them to be metal. Metal sliding doors, metal framed a bunch of opportunities to add rust and even more rust and trying some different painting techniques..Talked enough now, time for pictures..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1120 von 7-Kuppler , 24.03.2016 01:12

Man Martin

Deine und die Anlage vom Michael lassen mich immer wieder massiv in Erinnerungen schwelgen.
Deine Anlage aber doch etwas mehr.
Seinerzeit hatte ich mich an einem ähnlichem Thema versucht, etwas kleiner zwar im Maßstab, an Deine Künste komme ich aber niemals ran.

Hier mal, ich hoffe Du verzeihst es mir, die Bilder in Deinem Fred, mein Traum der US - Schmalspuridylle:

Schade jedenfalls daß dieser Fred hier irgendwann sein Ende findet, wird mir sehr fehlen !

schmalspurige Grüße übern Teich,


Gruß in die Runde aus der "halben Rotunde" !
....... natürlich in TT !


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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1121 von milocomarty , 27.03.2016 21:00

Danke Dirk, und eine tolle anlage !!

I do like to explore new mediums. Done wood, paper and now a bit styreen and I like it ! For now I'm finished with building most steel sliding doors, regular doors and window frames. Ditched them in the spraybooth and give them a fresh coat of primer. They will be finished with acrylics and all these fancy military paints I have. Been working on a couple of details like bollards and exhaust thingies on a roof. Dunno if the bollard looks a bit too modern for my era but I'm quit happy with the result and even might try to cast them in resin..

Grusse Martin

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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1122 von milocomarty , 18.04.2016 01:17

Spend the day painting a sliding door, still some filters and washes to do..

Grusse Martin

eifelhero hat sich bedankt!
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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1123 von Axel67 , 18.04.2016 13:19

Hallo Martin,

erst heute bin ich auf deinen Threat aufmerksam geworden und ich bin absolut begeistert von deinen modellbahnerischen Meisterleistungen.
Das ist nicht nur Freizeitbeschäftigung, sondern überzeugende Modellbahnkunst. Ab heute hast du einen Fan mehr.

Viele Grüße

San Romera - Inseldampfbahn am Mittelmeer:

Der Bahnhof Gletsch im Modell:



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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1124 von milocomarty , 25.04.2016 01:17

After my visit on friday to Intermodellbau Dortmund Germany I came home with 2 pretty handy tools. RPtoolz punch and die sets. With the saturday scheduled for drinking beer with friends I tried them out today. Building joint plates for my wharf. Small piece of rectangular styrene I punched 2mm washers and 1,25 mm boltheads with these tools and glued them together. Still a shitload to be done but I'm pretty happy with the result already..

Grusse Martin

eifelhero hat sich bedankt!
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RE: Cardigan Bay Coastal Railroad.. die bau Mara Harbor..

#1125 von milocomarty , 20.07.2016 01:25

Pff, war das eine suche..

Grusse Martin

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